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Publisher: Zhou TianhaoRelease time: 2024-05-09Views:7128

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1. Basic situation

Surname  name: Song Mei  

sex  Don't: Female 

Nationality  Passing: Xinxiang, Henan    

Position  Calculating: Associate professor

Postal code221116

Arrangement address: Shanghai Road, Tongshan New District, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province101number 

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Qualification of instructor:Master's tutor (Management Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence)

Learning and work resume

2017.6-So far Jiangsu Normal University  School of Smart Education (Bet365 Online Website)  Associate Professor

2016.11-2017.11  State University of Arizona, USA  Information system visiting scholars

2013.9-2016.9  The Institute of Finance of the People's Bank of China、Credit Center jointly cultivated postdoctoral post -doctoral

2009.9-2014.6  Shanghai Jiaotong University  Dr. direction of management science and engineering information system


Main research direction

The research work that has been carried out involves big data governance、Risk monitoring and management、Information fusion、and other related research areas。


Main research results

In recent years,The first author and communication authors at home and abroad are published in academic papers at home and abroad20Yu, publishing monograph4Department (of which independent1Department);5Items; Host more than ten items participating in projects at all levels,Where,National Natural Science Foundation Project1item, post -doctoral project in China2item, the Ministry of Education's production, university -research project1item, Jiangsu University Natural Science Foundation Project1item, Jiangsu Education Department Project1Xue, Xuzhou Mayor Pay attention to the project1items and school -level projects3item,All have been successfully confiscated; participating in the country、Provincial、Municipal and horizontal projects20


Main lectures

1. Undergraduate course: The principle of database system,JSPDevelopment Technology,javaandwebDevelopment, etc.

2. Graduate courses: Advanced application statistics, algorithm design and analysis

3. International Course:Software Project Management


2, academic part -time job

1. Expert of Communication Evaluation of the National Natural Science Foundation of China;

2. Member of the China System Engineering Society;

3. Member of the E -commerce Specialty Committee of the China Information Economics Society;

4. Member of the Software Special Committee of the Computer Society of Jiangsu Province;

5. Member of the Computer Education Specialist Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Computer Society


3. Representative papers (only the author and first author)

[1]  Utilize the unbalanced data of the fabricated and anti -facts, Computer Engineering and Application, 2024, 60 (5): 165-171.

[2]  Improved boundary classificationBorderline-SMOTEExcessive sampling method_Ma He, Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Science), 2023, 59 (6): 1003-1012.

[3]  zhun li; mei song; yi zhu; chinese nested name recography based on boundary Prompt, Twenty -sessionCCFChina Information System and Application Conference (WISA 2023, chengdu, China, 2023-9-15to2023-9-17.

[4]  Main credit behavioral characteristics identification and fusion analysis systemV1.0. Software copyright: 2020sr1515189.

[5] Information fusion and integrity analysis system in physical recognition V1.0. Software copyright: 2018SR999455.2018.12.

[6] Data -based information -based information timely analysis system V1.0. Software copyright: 2018SR1023998.2018.12.

[7] The division of labor and workload assessment system of college project system V1.0 Software copyright: 2020sr1878404.

[8] Research On DISSIMILAR-SOURCE Information Adoption of Inter-OrganizationAl Information Computers in Human Behavior, Major Revision.

[9] Information Value Measurement Based on USAGE LOGS of Infometree. International Journal of Information Management. With editor.

[10] An Objective Measurement of Information Value USING Application Traces in Infometree: A Case Study of Crediting Reporting System in China. 5, Boston mit.

[11] Based onG2BSharing information intermediary's heresy information trust formation research.System engineering theory and practice.2015,35 (5): 1177-1186. (EI&CSSCIIncluding).

[12] Trust transfer research based on credit reporting system. System Management Journal,2013,22 (5): 593-601. (CSSCIIncluding).

[13] "Credit scale discriminationCopy research: Based on e -governmentG2BCross -organization information sharing angle.System Management Journal. 2012, 21 (3): 295-302. (CSSCIIncluding).

[14] How to reduce Credit Discrimination Against SME: From G2B Information Sharing. ICSSSM2014,Beijing. (EIIncluding)

[15] Research on Trust Transfer ofer of Heterogeneous Information SharingIncluding)

[16] Anti -money laundering cross -organization multi -level monitoring system construction and its simulation verification.System engineering theory and practice.201131 (1): 1-7. (EI&CSSCIIncluding).

[17] Academic team of the same relationship between colleges and universitiesKnowledge continuity management research.Information Magazine.2012, 31 (1): 128-133. (CSSCIIncluding) .

[18] Research on Each Stage of Circular Economy Development.China Soft Science.2007, (8): 58-64.CSSCIIncluding)

[19] Circular EconomyAttack point”:Theoretical and empirical research.Economic Review.2007, (5): 58-64.CSSCIIncluding)

[20] Chinese farmers' income level、Educational level and empirical social statusResearch.Mathematical statistics and management.2007, 26 (3): 377-384. CSSCIIncluding)

[21] a solution to the problem of "Credit Discimination Against Sme": From Inter-Organization Information of G2B E-Governmen. The 10th International Conference on Electronic Business, 2010, shanghai. (EIIncluding)

[22] Construction and Adoption of Net-Enabled Credit Analysis Supporting System (NCASS) USING SOCIAL Information Networks. Cason-2010 (Incenationa l conference on computational aspects of social networks). TAIYUAN.

[23] *Analysis on Money Laundering Utility & PATH of Agent Notes Based on Cost Constraint. Advances in Management of Technology. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of Tech nOLOGY. TAIYUAN 2006. Full textISTPIncluding.

[24] G2BShareDecision Support System and Emberity of Cases.The Fifth National Conference of the China Branch of the Information System Association (CNAIS2013), Guiyang,2013.

[25] Summary and Application Suggestions for Loan Decision and Monitoring Technology of SMEs[a] //Xi'an Jiaotong University,System engineering and harmonious managementThe Tenth National Youth System Science and Management Science Academic Conference Epheesty Collection[c] .2009year.


[1] Information quality measurement and improvement research in the context of big data credit reporting[m].Shanghai Jiaotong University Press,2016.

[2] G2BInformation sharing mechanism and its promotion strategy[m].Shanghai Jiaotong University Press,2015.

[3] Research on Circular Economic Theory and Practice[M].Beijing: China Science Press.2009.

[4] Electronic Government Affairs[m].Beijing: Electronic Industry Press.2011.


4. Scientific research project (only national level)

1."Research on Heterogeneous Sharing Information Fusion in the Background of Credit Big Data"(Number:71503108),National Natural Science Science Youth Fund Project,End item,The person in charge of the subject

2."Research on the Improvement Mechanism and Value Improvement in the Construction of Social Credit System" (Number:2015T80165),The eighth batch of special funding projects of the Eighth Batch of the Fund of the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Fund,End item,The person in charge of the subject

3."Research on the quality measurement and value improvement of credit information information"(Number:2014M560149), China Postdoctoral Science Fund56Applying first -class funding, has been concluded, the person in charge of the subject

4."Basic Research on the Theory and Method of Electronic Government Management",National Natural Science Foundation Key Project (Number:70533030), the person in charge of the subject: Professor Zhang Pengzhu,Shanghai Jiaotong University Management Information System (MIS) Director of the Research Center, has been settled, participants

5."Task for network innovation outsourcing-Talent Online Matching Research ",National Natural Science Foundation on Face (Number:71103021), the person in charge of the subject: Professor Zhang PengzhuShanghai Jiaotong University Management Information System (MIS) Director of the Research Center, has been settled, participants

6."Analysis of the Governance Mode of the Enterprise Information System and its matching and the analysis of the power change" (number:71201101),National Natural Science Science Youth Fund Project,End item,Participants


5. The main winning situation

1. 2020yearChina Information Economics Society E -commerce Specialty CommitteeAcademic contribution award

2. 2020New Year of the Normal University of Jiangsu Normal University

3. 2020Nian Jiangsu Normal University undergraduate design excellent instructor

4. 2019Year of Jiangsu Normal University, the Modeling Model

5. 2016~2018Annual Jiangsu Normal University Job Appraisal Excellence

6. 2015New Year of the Normal University of Jiangsu Normal University

7. Ninth"Challenge Cup" National college student extracurricular academic science and technology work competition national third prize,Discovery unit:The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Chinese Association bet365 live casinoof Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, and the National Federation of Studies

8. The third prize of Shanxi Province Science and Technology Progress Award,Division Unit: Shanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology

9."Xingjin Challenge Cup" college student entrepreneurial plan competition silver award,Discovery unit:Communist Youth League Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, Shanxi Provincial Department of Education,Shanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Shanxi Provincial Association bet365 live casinoof Science and Technology, Shanxi Provincial Federation

10. Outstanding Achievements of Sixth Social Science Research in Shanxi ProvinceSecond prize, awarded unit:The Research Achievement of Outstanding Research Achievement of Social Sciences in Shanxi Province

11."Xingjin Challenge Cup" college young teachers and students academic science and technology works competition student social sciences second prize,Discovery unit:Communist Youth League Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, Shanxi Provincial Department of Education,Shanxi Provincial Department bet365 live casinoof Science and Technology, Shanxi Provincial Association of Science and Technology, Shanxi Provincial Federation

12. 2011The National Outstanding Scholarship


6. Other

1.  Guide the National University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Plan Project"Application of Facial Recognition Based on Dual -Stream Convilled Neural Networks";

2. Guide Jiangsu Provincial College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program "Smart robots for medical delivery for medical medicine for infectious ward";

3. Guide the excellent graduation setting of undergraduatesPlan "Design and Implementation of the Health Early Warning Management System in the Cardiovascular Field"

4. Guide the excellent graduation setting of undergraduatesplan "Class imbalance treatment research based on the improvement sampling method

5. Guide the excellent graduation setting of undergraduatesStudy on "Research on Robot Plan for Infectious Ward of Infectious Ward based on multi -sensing data"


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